Bhushan Shelke

I am a master's student in Data Science at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), where I learn and apply cutting-edge techniques and tools for data analysis and visualization. I have a bachelor's degree from University of Mumbai, India. Currently, I work as a part-time student employee at the Comet Lab, a research center that explores convergent media and emerging technologies. I collaborate with the Data science team on various projects, which includes creating dashboards using Power BI and data analysis with the help of R programming.
Have a look at my Tableau Profile!

Fake News Detection
using Machine Learning

Fake News Detection is a project aimed at using machine learning techniques to identify and classify fake news articles from genuine ones. The proliferation of misinformation and fake news in the digital age has become a significant challenge, leading to potential harm to individuals and societies. This project leverages the power of machine learning to help combat this issue and promote reliable information dissemination.

Empowering Healthcare with ML:
Diabetes Prediction Model

Revolutionizing Healthcare with Advanced Machine Learning: Predicting Diabetes and Averting Its Impact. Harnessing the Power of Data to Identify High-Risk Patients and Enable Proactive Interventions. Empowering Medical Professionals to Deliver Personalized Care and Improve Patient Outcomes.

Exploratory Data Analysis :
Fifa 21 Players

Utilizing Python's data manipulation and visualization libraries to perform comprehensive exploratory data analysis on the FIFA 21 dataset, uncovering trends and patterns that offer valuable strategic insights for FIFA enthusiasts